
Saturday, August 26, 2017

The amazing TMC Academy #SocialMediaMarketing Course part 2

As Singapore move into the smart nation economy, many old folks were attending and keen to learn new skills to master the new technology as old technology become obsolete, to keep up with the new economy.

Many younger generations are reaching out to the old folks to encourage them to master the new tech, so that they can assess to the latest trends

Bernard Chia the instructor for the part 2 of the #skillfuture funded Social Media Marketing at

He said he gone through the era of dot com and dot bust era. Ask what is his title, he said he is a stay at home dad.

This 3 hour course difficult to go into details there are too little time to cover everything,  there were around 40 students there.

He briefly touched on SEO, affiliate marketing, e-commerce, key words tracker, domains, youtube, blogging  and numerous other subjects etc.

He said the advantage of e-commerce is that you can sell your products world wide at low cost

There were some refreshments and foods at the half time.

And the exchange of phone nos.

He said will set up a bloggers exchange for us to interact.

Ron will be the next trainer for those who like to come for the part 3 for more hand on exercise


  1. Err.. it would be great if you could share more information that was covered at this marketing course. And of course, it would be useful for readers to know where they can sign up.

  2. Sounds like a lot of fun and great lessons learnt.. these classes are fun to attend when I can make it for it

  3. This looks like an interesting workshop. It's a good idea to learn the ropes of new technology through courses.

  4. Looks so interesting. Hope you've gain a lot of new knowledge and experience

  5. That is brilliant. It's nice to see the older folks getting acquainted to new technology. Workshops like these ought be be helpful for everyone. Cheers!!

  6. Em, I got an email from the TMC Academy, the said is sponsor by Skillsfuture. The link is there you can contact them

  7. Lyf and Spice, yes many old folks attended the course. to keep up with the trend

  8. Miera, you can contact them if you are interested

  9. Now even some of the old folks know more about the tech than us youngsters haha This is really good!

  10. Yanrula, Yes the old folks really keen to learn the new tech to keep up in the Smart Nation

  11. EM you can contact them here:

  12. Keep the learning spirit up no matter what age we are.

  13. Betty, yes many of the older generation are keen to learn the new tech, to stay in touch with the Smart Nation

  14. Looking forward for the blogger exchange! And it's good to learn some new tips and tricks to further improvise on blogging in this day of era. Especially making use of SEO and all the other digital marketing tips

  15. Sebrinah I think blog what interest you, the instructor said too need to be consistent

  16. Wow! this looks so informative. I myself would love to take this course for sure. Lemme check!

  17. This could be a nice way to learn new skills and network. Old generation are more patient with technology :)

  18. Rainbow Diaries, yes it teach the latest trend and the 3 part hands on training

  19. Blair Villanueva, yes many of the old folks keen to learn new tech to keep up with the trend, as Singapore move toward a Smart Nation

  20. hello there I have nominated you for Blogger Recognition award ! Congratulations! check it out here:

  21. Yes yes, nowadays really need a lot of marketing! Thanks for the sharing!

  22. Yes yes, nowadays really need a lot of marketing to survive! Thanks for sharing!

  23. Jacqueline, yes nowadays more and more people have access to info, unless older days, people need to go to library to do research. Now many latest trend and articles are at their finger tips

  24. Yes, mouse mommy, new things to learn and networking
