
Sunday, August 14, 2016

Michelle Choo Li Li at the Getai

Michelle Choo with the Bao Bei sisters

Photos from Michelle Choo

I had requested photos from Michelle and she forward to me to put in my blog

I went to Chinatown, saw Michelle Choo Li Li singing, she still pack the punch in her voice after all these year, I had heard her sing since when I was a few year old in the 60s.

She sang my favorite Cantonese song

Her sister Sandy is married and stayed in Hong Kong.

Had a dialogue with her in the Facebook.

She now singer solo, still pack a punch, especially the Cantonese songs

At the height of the Getai, a member of our group that we went to Palau Tekong, he kept repeat the tape of her songs.

At that time in the 60s, so many climb up a stage to hear them sing, until a stage collapsed.

After all these years seem like  the getai is gettting more popular with the older generations, as it become more and more were staged, other then it used to stage during the ghost festival.

More could be done to attract the youth?

                                                  BaoBei sisters